In this final post, following my little monkey’s theme of “Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil,”  (hey it was a Murder Convention…get it???)  I’ll share some of the pictures I took for the “SEEN AT BOUCHERCON.”  I didn’t take a ton because I already felt a bit gauche, and “touristy” what with the photo snapping I was doing to begin with.  Doing that is not conducive for trying to blend in.  Matter of fact, I’m thinking it looked SO uncool because I wasn’t doing all those quick, snappy selfies with cell phone – remember, I remain for the most part, technology “untethered.”

I think that might have to change in the near future.

Anywho, here we go!


They called these little red bags…”Hook Up.” When I checked in at registration, the lady said, “Hang on dear, let me give you your hook up.” Well. All righty then.


Sign up and choose a name, or have your own used in an author’s next work! (no, I didn’t sign up, boooo, party pooper!)


Henery Press display for Hank Phillippi Ryan books


Where “THEY” will be to sign books!


Margaret Maron (Bouchercon’s Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, 2015)


Margaret Maron, moderator (not pictured) Panel New Faces Best New Novel Nominees: L to R, Lori Rader Day, M.P. Cooley, Kristi Belcamino, and Allen Eskens. (not pictured, Julia Dahl)


Long shot, Julia Dahl on end


Les Edgerton and Trey Barker from the Rough Tough Tales for Tough Readers panel.


Rough Tough Tales for Tough Readers Panel, moderator Eric Beetner (far left), Tom Young, Chris Pavone, Les Edgerton, Trey R. Barker


Political Espionage Thrillers: Pre- and Post Edward Snowden, L to R, Susan Elia MacNeal, Terry Shames, and Mark Greaney, moderator. Not pictured Gayle Lynds, and Marc Cameron.


The Political Espionage Thrillers Panel – long shot with Gayle Lynds and Marc Cameron, Funny, where’s Colin and Loretta Sue? Hmmmm.


Barbara Poelle and Patrick Lee!!! (nuff said)


Just what it says…


Books galore!


Browsers in the book room…

Who else was “SEEN” by me, but not pictured?  Janet Reid, Loretta Ross (DEATH OF THE RED HEADED WOMAN), Colin Smith (a regular REIDER), an editor from GRAND CENTRAL (whoop!  I just wish I could remember her name) who sat with THE Barbara Poelle at our table in the bar, and talked “business.”  Also seen Donna Andrews, Wendy Corsi Straub, Susan Spann, and someone with a hat and sunglasses on coming through the lobby, who looked so “in,” I just figured he had to be a BIG deal.  Except I have no idea who he was, but he had “the look.”

As well, and no offense intended, I saw a LOT of folks who looked on in their years.  I think I understand why the publishing industry gets SO excited about young authors.  You know, that Five Under Thirty Five.  I don’t know.  Maybe writing suspense, thriller, crime makes you grow old fast.


  • Colin

    October 15, 2015

    “Where were Colin and Loretta Sue?” We were on the front row, left-hand side, just out of shot. If you had turned your camera a little more to the left for that second Political Espionage picture, you might have caught the back of our heads.

    Your picture of Barbara and Patrick (first-name terms–aren’t we cool?) is much better than mine. I guess you were able to keep a cooler head and steadier hand. 🙂

    I have to say, I’ve had my smartphone for a little over a year, and it has been so useful, not only for helping me navigate traffic, but for times like this when you want to take pictures but not look like a complete tourist. Also for handy look-ups. There were a couple of times Janet would ask “What was that book he wrote?” or “Where’s that?” and I was able to look up the answer for her. It also helps with fact-checking. You see someone you think you know, so you do a quick Google search on your phone to make sure it’s who you think it is. Most phones plans offer free voice and text, and even the data plans are coming down in price. Worth considering.

    Thanks for sharing your perspective and pictures, Donna! 🙂

    • donnaeve

      October 15, 2015

      Ha, so close and yet so far away. Then again, likely I wouldn’t have recognized the back of those heads. LOL!

      I actually had more pics – but some were so BLURRY. IDK. I was bracing myself against the back walls at one point to be sure of the steady hand – so yeah, glad that Barbara and Patrick came out clear – cause I had to take it FAST. (they’d already posed once and broke the pose)

      Good to know on the phone thing. My husband is due for a new phone under his contract, and I’m thinking I might just use his. It’s like brand new because he’s had it encased and protected. I think it’s a Samsung Galaxy…can’t recall. I’ll have to check out the plans! Thx Colin for the tidbits of info on that!

  • S.P.Bowers

    October 15, 2015

    So. Jealous.

  • ajcapper

    October 16, 2015

    Ditto. The ‘so jealous’ comment, but also SO glad you and Colin posted blogs and pictures…it did make me feel better to see you guys enjoying it so much. And on first name basis with editors and authors we discuss on Sharkie’s blog!

    Spasms of envy, again, but they’ll pass.

    • donnaeve

      October 16, 2015

      It was so enjoyable, I was almost depressed when I had to leave! Spasms of envy – too funny! I was having spasms too – of the heart – at seeing some of these folks f2f!

  • W.R.Gingell

    October 19, 2015

    I am SO VERY JEALOUS! Great pictorial rundown! (have been checking out Colin’s writeups as well 😀 )

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