Rainy Days…

Rainy days can be some of my favorite days.  Today, although it’s post winter, is still a winter feeling kind of day.  The kind where you don’t feel guilty sitting inside because it’s gray with drizzle, and only in the mid 40’s.  Everything is damp, like this:


It’s the kind of day a pot of this must be on the stove, filling the house with the rich smell of meat and vegetables while your ears are finely tuned to it’s slow simmer.  You keep stirring it in anticipation because you know it will be so good:


(This is called Green Bay Booyah, a recipe my husband found – a pot of stew with lots of wonderful, fragrant things like, beef, chicken, onions, potatoes, rutabaga, cabbage, peas and sweet potato.  I’m sure glad he likes to cook.)

It’s this kind of day, where you can sit and write in a cozy little nook…, all the while contemplating that wonderful pot of stew.


I’m enjoying today…what about you?


  • Paul Lamb

    March 25, 2013

    My day? Shoveling a late-season snow off my driveway and sidewalk (and my neighbor’s driveway and sidewalk).

    • donnaeve

      March 25, 2013

      Good grief…well, you are a nice for doing that… I’m seeing the white stuff everywhere north of us…if I could have sent you a bowl of this, I would have – it WAS really good.

  • I’m back up north after a week in sunny Florida and awaiting more white stuff tonight AND back to work in an hour. Am I enjoying today? I’m vertical and breathing, it’s a good day for sure.

  • Here it is three days back and…am I enjoying myself, HELL YES. That was me shouting. My column has expanded. I’ll be in 8 papers. Erma Bombeck watch out…oh yeah she’s dead, well everybody else watch out I’m movin’ on up.

    • donnaeve

      March 29, 2013

      OH WOW!!! (Now, that’s me shouting) Congratulations Wry!!! I’m really happy for you and I know this has to feel sooooo good to you. Eight papers! I can only see that growing.

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