Merry Christmas From The Family

Right about now?  I sure do need me a good healthy dose of Robert Earl Keen.


  • Sherry Howard

    December 20, 2016

    My first smile of the morning! Merry Christmas, Donna!

    • donnaeve

      December 20, 2016

      I ALWAYS smile when I listen to this song! And to be honest, we don’t even need the video to see these scenes in our head…I think he did a great job at capturing a typical, dysfunctional southern family. Merry Christmas to you!

  • Too funny!

  • lilacshoshanwp

    December 20, 2016

    So funny, Donna! 😀 Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! <3 <3 <3

    • donnaeve

      December 20, 2016

      I am obsessed with the artistry around this video – it doesn’t hurt that Robert Earl Keen is easy on the eyes too. 😉 Thank you for the holiday wishes Lilac! Peace and joy to you! <3 <3 <3

  • Craig

    December 22, 2016

    Jill Sobule did a really good cover of it, in case you wish to switch it up some year. She also did a video of it and it might be even funnier.

    Merry Christmas to you, Blaine, Mister and the gang. Best of the new year to you too.

    I hate to admit it but I lost your e-mail address when I changed computers. I wasn’t prepared when the old one crashed and Microsoft, god bless their pea picking hearts, changed their email protocol. The address book doesn’t translate.

    • donnaeve

      December 23, 2016

      Merry Christmas to you and Kathy – and kitty. Do you still have the kitty? Not sure of the name…
      Thank you SO much for the calendar! (and, you can bet I noticed that hawk AND the barred owl.)

      And Happy New Year too!

      Sending you an email so you have it – because I want to ask you about the hunting habits of hawks and owls. (i.e the strange incident I referred to out at The Reef the other day)

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