THE FINALE of First Sentence Fridays!

And here we are…can you believe it?  It’s the finale of First Sentence Friday, and let me just say, this one’s a doozy!


I bet a year seems like an awfully long time when you’re sitting in jail.

We are now three days past the official release date of October 25th.  The Education of Dixie Dupree is out on bookshelves and in stores everywhere – and if you don’t see it?  Ask for it!

I’ve had a lot of fun preparing the posts to go with the sentences, and I hope you’ve enjoyed following along and reading them.   I hope they have intrigued you enough to want to know more about Dixie’s story.

The blog will now move back into the usual operation – which means when I figure out what I’m going to blog about going forward, I’ll post something!   In the meantime, like I said in the “She’s Here!” post, drop me a line and let me know your thoughts on the book.

I’d love to hear from you.

the education of dixie dupree



  • Beulah Pope

    October 28, 2016

    I am sorry to have missed all the happenings before my starting time,but i’m on board now, so keep ’em coming. btp

    • donnaeve

      October 28, 2016

      Hey Beulah, good to see you pop in here! It’s okay about not being around for these. Lots of folks in town don’t know about the site. I’d love to have more visit, like you!

  • lilacshoshanwp

    October 28, 2016

    WOW!!! What a grand and unforgettable finale the last sentence is, Donna!!! I can’t take the suspense anymore, but I will probably be the last one to receive your book in the mail. Such delicious anticipation… <3 <3 <3

    • donnaeve

      October 28, 2016

      Maybe not, maybe it will get there quicker than you think! Right now, it’s taking an extra day or two on Amazon even…so, ya know, folks are waiting a bit longer. But! That only makes it more exciting when you DO have it! <3 <3 <3

  • Colin

    October 30, 2016

    I’m reading DIXIE at the moment. It’s cool to see all these first lines actually on the page… and getting to read the context. I’ll not spoil anything, but just say to anyone who has yet to buy this book–do it! The first lines truly are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Congratulations and well done, Donna! 🙂

    • donnaeve

      October 31, 2016

      Thank you Colin!!! I hope it all works out for you tomorrow night. You’ve had a lot going on, with a house closing, and all, but I do hope you can make it! It would be great to see you again! Let me know when you’re done – and what you think.

  • Rubbing my hands together. Because by next week at this time I can read the first sentence to a chapter. And then the second. And the third! Hope you’re signing went FANTASTIC yesterday. Tell us all about it!

    • donnaeve

      October 31, 2016

      Woohoo! I hope the wait is worth it for you. It’s weird because I’ve read it so many times, when I clicked on an Amazon copy and perused the beginning (for the millionth time likely) I can see how I could have written it this way. Or that way.

      Editing NEVER stops – even when the doggone book is on the shelf!

      The launch event/signing is Tuesday. I guess you haven’t read that other correspondence yet. 😉 I will definitely post about it when it’s done!

      • Ha! Getting ahead of myself again. I thought the launch event was Saturday for some reason. Okay, that means you’ll get no sleep tonight. But you know what? It won’t matter! You’ll be so stoked by the time Tuesday’s event comes around, you’ll be cruising on adrenaline. Remember to pause and enjoy the moment if you can. Have fun with it.

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