UPDATE!!! I found out today THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE is available for pre-order on Amazon. If you’re so inclined, hop over to the “Books” tab in the upper right hand corner of the blog here, and click on the Amazon link!

A huge THANK YOU to an unknown source who threatened me bodily harm, and a good chompin’ if I didn’t get ON IT, quick. *Some* of you probably know who I’m talking about…

I will let this speak for itself, but suffice it to say, I am over the moon in love with my cover!  Below this, I’ve also included the back/flap copy.


In 1969, Dixie Dupree is eleven years old and already an expert liar. Sometimes the lies are for her mama, Evie’s sake-to explain away a bruise brought on by her quick-as-lightning temper. And sometimes the lies are to spite Evie, who longs to leave her unhappy marriage in Perry County, Alabama, and return to her beloved New Hampshire. But for Dixie and her brother, Alabama is home, a place of pine-scented breezes and hot, languid afternoons.

Though Dixie is learning that the family she once believed was happy has deep fractures, even her vivid imagination couldn’t concoct the events about to unfold. Dixie records everything in her diary-her parents’ fights, her father’s drinking and his unexplained departure, and the arrival of Uncle Ray. Only when Dixie desperately needs help and is met with disbelief does she realize how much damage her past lies have done. But she has courage and a spirit that may yet prevail, forcing secrets into the open and allowing her to forgive and become whole again.

Narrated by her young heroine in a voice as sure and resonant as The Secret Life of Bees’ Lily or Bastard Out of Carolina’s Bone, Donna Everhart’s remarkable debut is a story about mothers and daughters, the guilt and pain that pass between generations, and the truths that are impossible to hide, especially from ourselves.

Let me know what you think!




  • Ginger

    February 19, 2016

    Donna I’m so excited for you (and for Dixie!) Can’t wait until it’s out in print!

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Thanks Ginger…I can’t either. Seems like it’s been SO LONG! All those years ago…

  • Colin

    February 19, 2016

    Wooohoooo!!! Congrats, Donna!!!!! Can I add more exclamation points? !!!!!!!!! It’s a lovely cover. When’s it on pre-order? Make sure Janet gets an ARC so we can have a flash fiction fight over it. 😀

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There, that ought do it for the next five minutes. 🙂

      I’m not sure about a pre-order date yet, just that it will be available Oct 25th, while the “official” release is November 1. I would imagine in the July/August timeframe.

      Haha – I know! I’ll have to see what she wants to do.

      Sidebar, cool deal on the Treasure Chest! I’m not sure if I can participate this go round. I’ve got family coming this weekend for b’day stuff, so my time’s going to be slim to none for it. 🙁

      • Colin

        February 19, 2016

        Thanks, Donna. I hope you manage to find time for the contest, but understood if you can’t. Your b’day? Wow–what a weekend for you! I hope you have a wonderful time. 🙂

      • donnaeve

        February 19, 2016

        Not mine, but everyone else’s – Justin, (son) Brooke (daughter), Kyle (nephew) and Abigail (granddaughter) who turned 1 on Feb 8th but was too sick to celebrate! But thank you, and yes, I hope I can…I’ll have withdrawals otherwise. 😉

  • Jen Donohue

    February 19, 2016

    I think it’s beautiful, and the cover copy does it’s job. I can’t wait to read it!

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Thanks, Jen! When I read it, I got goosebumps – and I know the story! LOL!

  • Carolynnwith2Ns

    February 19, 2016

    OOOOOOMMMMMGGGGGG, this is over the top awesome !!!!!
    I am so happy for you. I don’t know what to say except yeehawww !
    Love it , love it, love it.

    Jumping over to email.

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Thank you, 2N’s! I have to admit, I got a little teary eyed when I saw it. I love, love, love it too!

  • christinaseine

    February 19, 2016

    How are we supposed to wait THAT LONG before we can read it? This is terrible!!! =D

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      I can only say, it does seem like a LONG WAY out, but if the rest of this year goes like these last two months, sheesh. Hello Christmas already! 🙂

  • ProfeJMarie (Janet Rundquist)

    February 19, 2016

    Beautiful – and super exciting!

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Thank you Janet! It is super exciting. I’ve been trying NOT to hyperventilate!

  • lilacshoshanwp

    February 19, 2016

    <3 I'm so happy for you, Donna!!!!! Such wonderful news…Can I also add more exclamation points I stole from Colin? 😉 Your book sounds AMAZING, and I can't wait to read it!!!!! Congratulations, my precious friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 😀 <3

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Awwww, thank you sweet friend! yes, please add more of these !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just a few more…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There. That will hold us till I finish this reply. 🙂

      I hope it will be amazing! Thank you again! <3 <3 <3

  • Averil Dean

    February 19, 2016

    This is wonderful! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to read the book. Congratulations, Donna!

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Well, hello stranger! Happy, happy to see you out and about on the interwebz. Thank you so much, Averil!

  • Lisa B

    February 19, 2016

    Wooo. How exciting, Donna. I want to read. And I agree. What a gorgeous, eye-catching cover.

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Let’s make it a double woooo shall we? Wooo, woooo! A few more of these are called for…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

      But, seriously, thank you. Kensington did a great job.

  • Love the cover and the copy. I can’t wait to read!

  • AJ Blythe

    February 19, 2016

    Donna, that cover is *amazing*. So bright and cheery it’s going to shine on the shelves of stores. (((hugs)))

    • donnaeve

      February 19, 2016

      Thank you AJ! I thought the same thing…bright and pulls you right on over to it! (we hope, hope, hope!)

  • Lucie Witt

    February 19, 2016

    Donnaeve! This is so beautiful. I would be drawn to this cover in a bookstore, I think. It’s so vibrant. And the story sounds so, so good. I can’t wait to buy your book.

    Have fun celebrating all those birthdays!

    • donnaeve

      February 20, 2016

      Thank you so much, Lucie! I love how they chose a pic which looks like the sun is shining right down on her, especially since she goes through some very dark times. I am stocked with wine for the celebrating! 🙂

  • Carolynsmith

    February 19, 2016

    So proud of my lovely neighbor. Miss you. Come to Florida! C

    • donnaeve

      February 20, 2016

      Hello Carolyn! Thank you so much – Florida about now would be GREAT. Maybe I’ll get to do a signing there…! Miss you too…

  • Teri

    February 20, 2016

    GORGEOUS cover. And congratulations!! More of your words out in the world. Love it.

    • donnaeve

      February 20, 2016

      Thank you, Teri! Still can’t get my head wrapped around it, but seeing the cover helped – a LOT!

  • Craig

    February 20, 2016

    A release date that allows it to make a splash for Christmas, cool.

    I hope this post will be the jacket copy. It makes the book seem infinitely more readable for me. It also might give it a chance to be one of those wonderful books that appeals beyond one age group. Hope it can do that for you.

    The cover is lovely and the yellows will make it shine even across the room.

    I’ll be checking the Publisher’s marketplace best sellers and will toast it for you when it gets there. Congratulations.

    • donnaeve

      February 21, 2016

      That’s exactly what I thought too, Craig. (Christmas time frame) And yes, what you see is the jacket copy – done by Kensington copy edit dept. Every single thing they’ve laid their hands on, I’ve been left with goosebumps. It almost seems surreal.

      And very astute about the age group thing. Yes, certainly women have loved it…but it was this book that got me my agent, John Talbot. He LOVED it. And now, the editor in chief at Kensington, John Scognamiglio. So, not saying it would be “the thing” to appeal to men, but likely some men. And then there’s the junior high/high school age group.

      I love how they chose a picture which clearly has the sun shining down, and that yellow just pops!

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words!

  • Dena Pawling

    February 21, 2016

    Love the cover. Can’t wait to read it. Congrats!!

    [It wouldn’t post my first comment. I’ll try this one.]

    • donnaeve

      February 21, 2016

      Thank you, Dena! Yay!

      Sometimes the comments get eaten up, not sure why!

  • Jennine G

    February 21, 2016

    It looks amazing. Like one of the books that just belongs in the stacks on the tables of B&N. I cannot wait to hold one!

    • donnaeve

      February 21, 2016

      Thank you Jennine! I think it’s quite eye catching! I do love it. I can’t wait for you to hold one either!!!

  • Angie Arcangioli

    February 22, 2016

    I saw the cover on your twitter feed. Chills up my spine. I love it. The yellow is warm, inviting, but the hands intrigue me. I’m so excited for you. Add more !!!!!! to Colin’s and everyone else’s.

    • donnaeve

      February 22, 2016

      Thank you so much Angie! Yes, I can’t have enough !!!!! because there are no limits to the excitement I felt when I saw it. Interesting what you say about the hands…there was a bit of conversation about them between myself, agent and editor. 🙂

  • Diane

    February 22, 2016

    The softness and light are so promising, and next to that first sentence of copy making the hairs stand up on my neck … and the chilling promise that her survival strategy of lying will be her obstacle – harrowing. It’s a pretty perfect counterpoint.

    • donnaeve

      February 23, 2016

      That the cover/copy is giving many that very reaction is a good thing! And you nailed it – her history of lying backfires becoming the very thing that stands in the way of help.

      Thank you Diane!

  • Lennon Faris

    February 22, 2016

    Wow, Donna. This is awesome!!! The cover makes me think of a spirited young girl with some tomboy qualities. After reading the cover it seems to fit very well with the story! I think it will stand out on the bookshelf, too. I am so excited for you!

    • donnaeve

      February 23, 2016

      I have to say Wow too, Lennon – because you are exactly right! She’s a tomboy through and through.

      I’ve always been drawn towards certain covers, and that’s why I’m so happy with this one. It’s exactly the sort I would gravitate to if I saw it on a bookshelf. I mean that yellow just glows, and I think it will draw people to it. And hopefully pick it up. and hopefully purchase it… ! 🙂

      Thank you so much!

  • Adib Khorram

    February 23, 2016

    Beautiful! Congrats, Donna!

    (I don’t know how I missed this earlier.)

    I can’t wait to read it!

    • donnaeve

      February 23, 2016

      Awww, thank you Adib! It’s okay, unless you follow the blog, or me on Twitter, you wouldn’t have known! But I’m glad you saw it. 🙂

  • Timothy Lowe

    February 23, 2016

    Congrats on the debut! The cover looks awesome. I wouldn’t worry too much about “men/women” audience. I’ve read your flash fiction and know it’s going to be captivating enough to sell widely! I will be sure to pick up a copy.

    • donnaeve

      February 23, 2016

      Thanks a bunch for that Timothy! (likewise on the FF) I hope it will do well…we’ll see! Eight months advance warning! LOL!

  • John Davis Frain

    February 23, 2016

    Hell yaaaaassssss!

    When do you quit smiling, mid-March?

  • Oh, yes, that is a lovely cover. Glad someone pointed it out in the newsletter on Carkoon or I would have missed it. May you have many pre-orders.

    • donnaeve

      February 23, 2016

      Thank you, Heidi! I’m trying to avoid Carkoon, but came close to being shipped off there today when I failed to notice the pre-order status. Oops.

  • Lilac Shoshani

    February 23, 2016

    YAY! I’ve just ordered your book on Amazon!!!!!!!!! + !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 <3 <3 <3  

    • Lilac Shoshani

      February 23, 2016

      P.S. I want to add many more hearts and smiles: <3 <3 <3 <3 :D:D 😀 <3 <3 <3 😀 😀 😀 <3 <3 <3 + lots of rainbows and stars <3 <3 <3 😀 😀 😀 <3 <3 <3

    • donnaeve

      February 24, 2016

      Thank you so much Lilac!!! ((((((((((((hugs))))))))) galore!!!!!!!!

      And some of these… <3 <3 <3 <3 too!

  • M.A.Hudson

    February 25, 2016

    Your book sounds like it’s in a similar vein to a couple of my favourites – To Kill A Mockingbird and the Liar’s Club. I can’t wait til my copy arrives! Congratulations on a huge achievement.

    • donnaeve

      February 25, 2016

      It’s definitely a southern novel, and I hope you’ll like it! Thank you so much!

  • Sherry Howard

    February 25, 2016

    Donna, I missed a few days of Reidership and came back to find an Amazon link to your BEAUTIFUL debut. I have a deep love of southern flavor in writing. We Kentuckians are deeply southern at heart, at least natives to the area. I’m excited to read your book, and may need to talk to you: one of my WIP has a significant part of the story set in Alabama. Good luck with your debut! You must be thrilled.

    • donnaeve

      February 25, 2016

      Thank you so much, Sherry! If you read my Reflections On Writing – it will show you we have the same love for, well for me, all things Southern, right on down to our little witticisms, “bless our hearts!”

      Although DIXIE DUPREE is set in Alabama, my knowledge of the state is limited to research. I literally only travel through it when we go to my in laws farm in Mississippi. (that’s how I know it’s beautiful!) I chose Alabama over NC when I wrote this story to be sure to separate my life from it b/c of the parallels with my own southern/northern heritage (my Dad’s family is from NC, whereas Mom is from Maine).

      Still, I’m happy to talk to you about it!

      Thank you again – yes I am beyond thrilled! Like John Frain said, smiling for days. 🙂

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