Christmas in March

This month has been full of little “gifts,” and for me that equates to Christmas in March because of the excitement it’s generated.  I’ve mentioned receiving these little goodies on Facebook, and then I realized I hadn’t shared it here!

Like I mentioned in the publication process post, these came (page proofs):


And then, a few days later, these showed up:

I believe these are called “book plates.”  I’m not sure.  They are prints of the actual cover that will be used on the First Edition print.  I love the paper they used, it’s sort of rough textured, and it will have what’s called “French flaps.”  I would “squee” here but I’ve sworn off the use of “squee.”

Then, a few days after those arrived, this heavy box showed up with these inside:


Again, no one emailed me to say, “hey, your galleys (Advance Reader Copies, or ARCS) are on the way!  What a surprise it was to open the box, and see a stack of these!

Time to pull out the pictures of how I felt:


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