Christmas Eve

I just listened to one of my many favorite Christmas songs … it’s a quiet morning, and I’m sitting here with a cup of hot coffee and thinking of all of you.   Merry Christmas.



  • Paul Lamb

    December 24, 2013

    Back to you! It’s early morning here, and not a creature is stirring.

  • Carolynnwith2Ns

    December 24, 2013

    Had a calm early morning.
    Much love, good wishes and many blessings to you Donna.
    I am poised at the starting block, a houseful coming this evening. All the family together. I love it. Much to be thankful for.

    • donnaeve

      December 24, 2013

      More stirring by all now… nice while it lasted! 🙂

    • donnaeve

      December 24, 2013

      Ha, that reply was meant for Paul…but anyway, love, good wishes and blessing to you and yours as well Wry. And yes, definitely thankful for all we have…

  • Jennine G.

    December 24, 2013

    And to you as well!

  • Averil Dean

    December 24, 2013

    Merry Christmas, Donna! I hope it’s a lovely one for all of you.


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