
It starts off gradual, the shifting of sunlight throughout the house, until one day you realize you have to drop the blinds to avoid the beautiful, but somewhat annoying beam that’s decided to shine directly in your face from a spot where it didn’t exist

Heaven help me, but I seem to have developed a very ridiculously annoying eye twitch.  It’s the lower lid of my right eye and every time it starts up I feel as if the entire world can see it.  I’m whining about it because it’s

Copyright Bob Richman, 2010, Harpo   If you read no other book by her, read I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS, but seriously, read all you can… such a talent.  Sad she’s gone.

There is a commercial on TV about insurance or maybe it’s about investing…, either way, there’s a man explaining a study that was done about how long people are living now.  They set up a large canvas sort of prop in a grassy field, and

“It’s not the dying part.  It’s all the stuff before that, and what will happen to my body.” ~ David~ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.  A progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Onset is insidious 100% fatal Usually


For A Friend

About eight years ago, I went out for my usual morning run in the neighborhood.  It was December, around six thirty in the morning, so although it was light, the sun wasn’t all the way up.  I was about a half mile from the house,
