Wishful Thinking

…in with the new, as the old saying goes. Yesterday I took the tree and decorations down.  Some will think, but what about the Twelve Days of Christmas leading up to the Feast of Epiphany?  A twelve days of Christmas celebration never took place in

I’m in a state of disbelief another year is just about gone, and so, what better time to gather up some pictures and share them here, thereby providing a “snapshot” of 2016 in review! To say it’s been a wonderful, fun filled, exciting time doesn’t



We are fourth for states producing hurricane force winds, and in my lifetime alone, there have been 126 tropical, sub-tropical cyclones to hit North Carolina. Before I write anything else, I want to remember the ones who lost their lives in the storm, the ones

I posted this on my blog in November of 2014.  Considering all that I’m seeing, watching and hearing, I thought it might be worthwhile to dredge it up and post again.  I’ve become sort of…what’s the word, disenchanted? Dismayed? Disillusioned?  Assume what you will after

I made no move to mark or signal in any way my father’s one year anniversary of passing.  About three days before the official day, Mom and I went out to the grave site and swapped out the Christmas flowers for a selection of silk

2015 is about done.  What better time than now, on this last day of a year filled with ups and downs, to take a look back at all that happened.  And what better way than to just grab the photos. Work in progress at the

Did anyone see the moon Christmas night?  Or the night after?  They (scientists, reporters, etc.) talked about the Super Moon earlier this year, and after the spectacular show I witnessed on the 25th and 26th I wondered if they’d missed these recent dates.  They did

A lot has been happening here at the homestead.  I’ll call it post Thanksgiving madness with shopping (online and in stores) wrapping flurries, cleaning up flurries, with occasional writing flurries (current WIP @ 37K), all topped off with holiday parties to attend. This weekend I’ll


August Wane

Already the sun is disappearing quicker and days are noticeably shorter.  You have noticed, haven’t you? Our house faces north/northeast.  I love to open the blinds first thing in the morning and as I do, I pay attention to where the sunlight hits the walls,
