Tongue In Cheek

Much like the previous post about White Trash, what’s Christmas without the song which actually is supposed to be the epitome of that?  A tune about dysfunctional families, and what many would say is a typical Christmas day spent carving turkey, watching ballgames, mixing up



Early to bed, early to rise, that’s how I operate best.  If I lose any sleep, even a couple hours, I can feel it.  I spend the day yawning, out of sorts, and though I might get everything done I’d planned on, my typical energy

As a member of the North Carolina Writer’s Network, I am aware of the plethora of writers who are members.  NCWN sends weekly updates highlighting opportunities to see/hear fellow writers as they traverse various parts of our state participating in book signings, readings, and other

With all the controversy swirling around I can’t say I want to read this any more than I did when I pre-ordered it weeks ago.  I mean, I’ve always wanted to read another book by Harper Lee, and so, from the initial “discovery” of the

Some of the most informative reading I’ve ever come across regarding publication are from writers who can walk the talk.  They know because they’ve been on the receiving end.  (an unintended pun, but I’ll go with it since part of this is about money)  Like

I almost didn’t post this nifty little annual report, courtesy of WordPress.  Admittedly, blogging is not my strong suit.  I write differently here than in my projects.  (less f-bombs.  No.  No need to thank me.)  Here, I tend to keep things lighthearted, and not too

This isn’t the first time this topic has come up.  Yesterday, there was a bit of a debate on Janet Reid’s blog because of a simple question.  Whether to write about writing, or, more specifically, should writers blog about writing.  The Shark’s position is, not

I am not quite sure what to make of this book. No doubt, in between the layers of a confusing narrative, there are bits and pieces of brilliant writing. I suppose if you have the energy to keep a thesaurus or dictionary by your side

Heaven help me, but I seem to have developed a very ridiculously annoying eye twitch.  It’s the lower lid of my right eye and every time it starts up I feel as if the entire world can see it.  I’m whining about it because it’s
