The School Of Difficult Writing

This is a post I ought to do after I type THE END to the current work in progress.  But, sometimes…more than I want to admit, I get an idea and if I don’t bother to make a note of it, voila!  By the time

Every time someone asks me to describe my current WIP, the first thing I say is, “it’s not a nice story.”  What I mean by that is, if it’s published, I don’t think I’ll be invited to speak at book clubs. So what makes it

For Christmas, my husband gave me a camera .  It’s not an expensive one, but I love it.  I guess he got tired of hearing me (and everyone else) complain about the other camera I was using, and how long it took to take a

The suggestion from my agent went something like this; “If you could write a story, a literary suspense story using that concept, well, then you might have something.”  It’s hard to believe that conversation with him took place a year ago.  I only remember it
