Southern Fiction

I wanted to wait for things to settle down (ha!) a little bit before I shared this with y’all.  Unbeknownst to many, except family…oh, okay, maybe I let this slip out to a few close friends, here’s some news about what else I’ve been up



Amazon (!!!) has selected The Education of Dixie Dupree as their “Debut Spotlight” book along with being on their list of TOP 10 Picks for November!   Save

Can you believe it? It’s THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE Release Day! I sincerely appreciate your support, thoughtful comments and shared excitement throughout the last 19 months.  Thank you from me, and from Dixie. This is a collage of moments, pictures to capture my journey



We are fourth for states producing hurricane force winds, and in my lifetime alone, there have been 126 tropical, sub-tropical cyclones to hit North Carolina. Before I write anything else, I want to remember the ones who lost their lives in the storm, the ones

Folks, I’ve made it. I have arrived.  🙂 Well, that’s more or less what one of my writer friends (Micki, I’m looking at you) tweeted out; “You know you’ve made it when @Janet_Reid offers a contest in your honor!” And yes, indeed Ms. Janet, NYC

After learning I would be going to the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance trade show in Savannah about two months ago, it’s hard for me to believe it’s already over with!  Like Christmas day, where we work our way up to the moment and before we’ve

I’m providing my first newspaper interview since many of you who follow the blog aren’t connected with me on Facebook, or on Twitter where it was shared.  I thought you’d like to read it. Enjoy! clip-Daily Record-FeatureAug2016-DIXIE DUPREE

Kensington has set up another Goodreads giveaway for THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE. The contest will run June 8th –>June 27th to win one copy of an ARC or final copy! If you’re not on Goodreads, now’s the time to join (free) because not only

Still in catch up mode!  This week I’m sharing the first sentences in Chapters 5, 6, and 7. CHAPTER FIVE In the early spring of 1969, when the yellow dust of pollen was heavy in the air, I noticed Mama’s discontent had wrapped even further

As I get closer to the publication date of my debut novel, I’ve been thinking of different ways to entice readers, to build a little suspense, and most importantly, share a tiny bit of the story within that beautiful, most awesome cover created by the
