
How many times have you heard, “practice makes perfect?” Recently an article written by a teacher who taught an MFA creative writing program caused a lot of backlash.  Chuck Wendig’s blog post alerted me to the uproar otherwise I would have never heard of the

Here we go again. Three stars.  (Sorry McCarthy fans.)  In my opinion, it’s a generous ranking for OUTER DARK. UPDATE:  I lied.  Make that two stars. (i.e. it was okay) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I so want to love McCarthy, and I don’t even know why.  I have

Recently I saw a license plate with one of those made up words we could do without .  I actually skulked behind this car, going out of my way to see who in their right mind would put it on their plate.  Unfortunately, I was

Before I started writing as consistently as I’ve been doing the past three years or so, I would read for pleasure only.  I chose books I would enjoy and rarely ventured outside of the two genre’s that resonated with my taste, generally commercial or literary

Yesterday, the day before, the day before that, and days upon days before those have resulted in a grand total of – not much.  Not much when it came to working on the latest project.  Not much when it came to adding new words, plot

“It’s not the dying part.  It’s all the stuff before that, and what will happen to my body.” ~ David~ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.  A progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Onset is insidious 100% fatal Usually


Times Two

I’m attempting something different with my latest work in progress, two writing methods I’ve not tried before.  My first two books were written in first person narrative.   The first book from the perspective of an eleven year old girl, and the second, from the perspective


Hell Raisers

Those pesky characters.  They’re  like a bunch of rowdy, hell raising kids, doing what they want, when they want. Or at least it seems that way to me.  I try to corral them up, and make them sit and behave, but just when I turn

Recently, a debut novel called THE CUCKOO’S CALLING by Robert Galbraith created nothing but praise in the book world, not much in the way of sales, and then shock and a bit of that good old egg on the face type of embarrassment. The book
