Just Wondering

It’s the end of December and along with the rest of you, I’ve begun to reflect on 2014.  The good, bad, forgettable, memorable, sad, and joyful moments experienced.  Much like on the news, I’m busy recounting what I’ve accomplished, what fell by the wayside, and

It’s starting to get a little crazy around here.  With only ten days until Christmas Eve, and shopping yet to be done, gifts yet to be wrapped, and a new writing project looming in the background, I’m feeling a little pinched.  And this one here,

Here we go again. Three stars.  (Sorry McCarthy fans.)  In my opinion, it’s a generous ranking for OUTER DARK. UPDATE:  I lied.  Make that two stars. (i.e. it was okay) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** I so want to love McCarthy, and I don’t even know why.  I have

I’m the sort of person who knows a little bit about a lot of things – except when it comes to authors. Especially the author who suddenly appears, like fog, (hey!  that wasn’t there five minutes ago!) and they are quite successful to boot.  Actually,

This isn’t the first time this topic has come up.  Yesterday, there was a bit of a debate on Janet Reid’s blog because of a simple question.  Whether to write about writing, or, more specifically, should writers blog about writing.  The Shark’s position is, not

For my entire life, reading has been a constant.  Throughout school years, various jobs, one marriage and into the current, having kids, whatever, books have always been part of who I am.  One can always be found somewhere nearby, whether on my nightstand, counter top,


While I Wait

One night last week when taking Little Dog out, I did what I always do, I looked up at the sky.  Whenever I’m outside, my face is tilted upwards, for no other reason than the fact that I simply like looking towards the heavens.  That

Many writers are wrapped up in the frenzy of meeting their 50K word goal for this year’s challenge.  You know what I’m talking about.  I blogged about it last year too, and my thoughts on NaNoWriMo in this blog post somewhere towards the bottom.  The


Scary Stuff

Last year on Halloween, I received the second round of feedback from the editor on my current project, A BLACK WATER SEASON.  She’d read the first 100 pages back in the spring, and, in a nutshell, hated them.  So, I had to start the story

I am not quite sure what to make of this book. No doubt, in between the layers of a confusing narrative, there are bits and pieces of brilliant writing. I suppose if you have the energy to keep a thesaurus or dictionary by your side
