Just Wondering

Summer evening, late. The road traveled lies within city limits, moonlight over a pastured landscape, blackened shadows of barns line a ridge while cattle bed down within a barbed wire fence.  Along the road moves a car, sporty red, fairly new, the driver, a young

I’ve always loved books, but one in my hands today is not treated the same way as it was years ago.  When I used to start reading, I would sometimes peruse the dedication page, but most often I would jump right into the story. Not


Out In Public

Recently, fellow writer Carolynn (in some circles we call her 2N’s) Pianta talked in a three part series about special “messages” on her blog.  Granted I’ve had similar “messages” throughout my life, but today I’m here to talk about three separate “events” over the course

I’m not a slow reader, but when I saw my Goodreads stats for 2015, I stared at it for a second and thought, that’s it?  Twelve books?  I hastily skimmed over my “To Read” list just to make sure I’d not forgotten to categorize one

An update. Remember this post? It got worse before it got better.  Obviously we’d been hearing “noises” for a while.  After the last rant about this issue, we went right out and bought one of those Hav-A-Hart traps – only, we didn’t use it right

A lot has been happening here at the homestead.  I’ll call it post Thanksgiving madness with shopping (online and in stores) wrapping flurries, cleaning up flurries, with occasional writing flurries (current WIP @ 37K), all topped off with holiday parties to attend. This weekend I’ll

When I think about life events, I’ve considered how they might change a person.  I do this now, more than ever before.  What hits us most hard are the occurrences that mean we must conform to something new.  The death of a family member, friend

As a member of the North Carolina Writer’s Network, I am aware of the plethora of writers who are members.  NCWN sends weekly updates highlighting opportunities to see/hear fellow writers as they traverse various parts of our state participating in book signings, readings, and other


August Wane

Already the sun is disappearing quicker and days are noticeably shorter.  You have noticed, haven’t you? Our house faces north/northeast.  I love to open the blinds first thing in the morning and as I do, I pay attention to where the sunlight hits the walls,

I went to the Redbox outside Walgreens just about a mile away looking for the movie CAKE with Jennifer Aniston.  To my disappointment it was already checked out, and so I stood there a moment debating.  I could go to the other Redbox outside the
