Just Wondering

Over the holidays it got so busy I believe there were several times my brain and body disconnected.  Matter of fact, I know they did.  It was like I was on some sort of mental auto-pilot more than once. One of those moments happened when

…in with the new, as the old saying goes. Yesterday I took the tree and decorations down.  Some will think, but what about the Twelve Days of Christmas leading up to the Feast of Epiphany?  A twelve days of Christmas celebration never took place in


Book Stalker

Folks, I’m in the throes of making some minor revisions on BITTERSWEET and wrangling holiday decorations.  When I’m not doing that, I’m trolling the ‘net, stalking my book, trying to figure out how it’s doing.  Time for some tongue in cheek, debut writer shenanigans, I

And here we are…can you believe it?  It’s the finale of First Sentence Friday, and let me just say, this one’s a doozy! CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHT I bet a year seems like an awfully long time when you’re sitting in jail. We are now three

This wasn’t an easy post to write.  I’ve sat on it for days, thinking about it, and wondering if I should write about this topic at all.  It’s likely (probably) premature for me to even think the way I am, but I’ve said before and

There’s this online place I visit, sometimes once a day, sometimes more – which is likely too much for my own writing good.  This online place is agent Janet Reid‘s blog.  I found her several years ago when I “entered” my serious writing stage.  Sometime

Okay, ya’ll.  I’m sorry for making this harder than I expected.  What was I thinking???  No winners, but thank you for making me laugh with some of your guesses. I could drag this on just to see what you come up with next, but I

Would you like a sneak peek at THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE?  This is your chance to win a signed advance reader copy! The “contest” starts now (soon as I hit publish!) and goes on until I have three winners! The first three people to

I made no move to mark or signal in any way my father’s one year anniversary of passing.  About three days before the official day, Mom and I went out to the grave site and swapped out the Christmas flowers for a selection of silk

I’ve been working behind the scenes to transition my blog to a new and improved “website.”  Across the top you’ll see the new  “menu” items (The Book, About, Contact, etc.), but I’ve also chosen a theme I hope will represent this new part of my
