


I wonder how many other writers go through this? I’ve written two books and both are so completely different, it’s like they came from two different people.  If I had a publisher, the marketing person would likely send me hate emails, or at the very

If you’ve spent time reading about the craft of writing, eventually you’re going to run across an article about one particular aspect of it that many find hard to achieve – especially new writers.   You’ll read things like,  “you need to have a voice” or,

Writing and research go hand in hand, but, writers sometimes get caught by surprise when they realize that research can consume as much time, if not more, than the actual writing itself.  Consider Dan Brown, (THE DA VINCI CODE), for example.  The Wikipedia cites; “Because

I was poking around my blog entries the other day and at the time, I had no real reason for doing this other than to review what I’d written, check to see how long I’d been doing it, while trying to decide what I should

Readers, this is a post I’ve been waiting to do for some time.   Since I started this blog, I’ve often referred to my editor as just that…my editor, or the editor.  This was out of courtesy to her.  I didn’t feel I had the right

There it is.  You’ve just finished up a real doozy of a chapter, only to sit back and worry that what you’ve written has gone overboard in some way. Maybe you’re writing about someone who was perceived as the least likely person to end up

One of my favorite stories about Kiwi is the one I heard right after we first got her.   Blaine brought her home as a “surprise” companion for Bella, and en route from Mississippi back to North Carolina with little Kiwi in his lap, he made

When I was let go from my job in March of this year, I decided I’d treat my writing like a business – even though I’ve made no money from it yet.  During the years I held down a full time job, I would occasionally

This is an unexpected post…yet again, we have been dealt a blow in relation to one of our beloved Yorkies. As many of you know, Bella, who had just turned 12 was put to sleep on August 2nd due to end stage Chronic Renal Failure,

The manuscript of my first book stayed on my computer for quite some time.   On occasion, in between my regular job and various other activities that made up day to day life, I would pull it up and stare at the pages.  Tweak a word
