
Last week, an acquaintance of mine challenged me and I couldn’t refuse.  It was what I needed.  My ability to move this third book along, as in adding at least 1,000 words per day has been nothing short of a daunting task.   I can’t seem

So, I’ve been feeling a little tense these days. Alright, even I’m not in the mood for my weak sense of humor today…so, I’ll get to the real reason for the post and it’s about something that is frustrating  enough that I stopped writing in

Algonquin Books is re-releasing one of my favorite books, ELLEN FOSTER, on the 25th anniversary of it’s first publication. I recall reading this book for the first time.  It had me captivated immediately and revealed how a talented author is able to establish a

Wikipedia states, “Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties.” In the world

I’ve written before how going for a run is a way to clear my head and to get new ideas.   It’s what I consider as my time, a time of few distractions, a time when I can focus on my latest WIP.  And, except for


Worry Wart

I can’t help that I worry about things.  The stuff that I can’t control, or the stuff that I shouldn’t even be worrying about at all.  I just can’t seem to help it though and here’s an example… I just visited the website of Ken

The new year has arrived, fresher than fresh, and for now, it is generally at large. I like turning this corner and heading into the wide open spaces of a new year.  I like thinking about what might lie ahead, while knowing there’s an abundance

This is my last post for 2012.  I’ll see you all next year. Here’s a song I love, Christmas in Dixie (by Alabama) Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!    



Today, my favorite place to visit, the blog by agent, Betsy Lerner, ended.  She kept it up for four years and that’s got to be some kind of record.  She indicated she would drop in from time to time to check on “us,” (her regulars)



You realize, it’s almost over.  You know, 2012?  Are you done shopping?  Are the gifts all wrapped and under the tree?  Did you forget anyone on the list??  Will you get what you want? It’s almost the end of a year, and for many, that’s
