

Limping Along

Lately, I’ve been floundering in a wave of false starts on book three, limping along with a story idea that I think can work, but…I can’t seem to get it off the ground.  I had originally started a completely different story, one that came to

“Live like you were dying,” “run like the devil is on your heels,”  and “Party like it’s 1999.”  Well.  Maybe that last phrase isn’t as applicable for what I mean, but sort of. I have recently come to a conclusion.  As I’ve said before, I


Story World

“The world only exists in your eyes – your conception of it. You can make it as big or as small as you want to.”   ~F. Scott Fitzgerald A novel’s setting has been referred to as a story world.  I’m writing about this today because

This is one I can’t figure out.   Some of my favorite books, SECRET LIFE OF BEES, ELLEN FOSTER, CROSSING BLOOD, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, and BASTARD OUT OF CAROLINA  were written from the perspective of a young narrator.  They ranged in age from eight up

There is a derogatory term out there for agents known as being a, “spaghetti agent,”  which isn’t the type of agent anyone wants.  Nathan Bransford probably explains it best here, on his blog: But, did you know you can also write too fast?  Or,

Accomplishments, milestones, achievements, whatever you want to call them, it dawned on me last week there were these individual markers that would be reached by the time I did my next blog post.  With that in mind, I wanted to take a moment to say

If the name, Quail Ridge, doesn’t ring bells, that’s okay.  But, if you are from North Carolina, and you are a writer or author, you know it as one of the key literary spots in the South East. An independent bookstore, founded almost thirty years



Where do you write?   Where are the special nooks where you create your stories?  Do you write in the quiet, or to music?  Do you take a lot of breaks, or spend too much time browsing the internet? What I want to know is, where


Just Because

I just started reading,  “Larry Brown, A Writer’s Life” by Jean Cash.  The foreword (by Shannon Ravenel) and the first two paragraphs of the Preface, already have me stopped in my tracks, mesmerized by a writer I’m just coming to know.  I picture my ever

I like facts.  Facts about anything, everything that pertains to stuff I’m interested in and want to know more about.  And, because I want to know, I subscribe to various magazines, blogs and I buy books.  I also listen to other people who have had
