
About two weeks ago I packed up, and we headed for what some call the deep south.  The land of cotton, catfish, Ole Miss Rebels, William Faulkner, fried okra and green pickled tomatoes. The trip takes about fourteen hours.  The first ten hours or so

Every day I get tidbits of information that help with writing.  Mostly the advice comes in email from other websites I automatically subscribe to, like Writer’s Digest, agent Rachelle Gardner’s blog,  and Janet Reid’s blog,, to name a few sources.  What I appreciate


Book Problem

There are a ton of ways to hear about a new book.  On TV, in the newspapers, in magazines, on blogs, browsing the internet, browsing in stores, and even better, by word of mouth.  There is nothing I love better than to have someone tell


For A Friend

About eight years ago, I went out for my usual morning run in the neighborhood.  It was December, around six thirty in the morning, so although it was light, the sun wasn’t all the way up.  I was about a half mile from the house,

We are still in flip flops around here.  It’s October and officially fall.  Except…, for the next seven days, the forecast will be mild enough to keep wearing summer clothes.  For instance, I ran in shorts and a tank top this morning.  Yes, it’s that

The latest kick to hit our household?  Boiled peanuts.   What in the world, you ask? I had boiled peanuts a long time ago and loved them then, but I had sort of forgot how good they are.  You can’t travel anywhere in the state at


Blue Ridge

There is something mystical and melancholy about the Blue Ridge Mountains.   From the time we hiked fifteen miles along the Basin Cove trail to reach the Caudill Cabin, to the moment we stood at Wiseman’s Bluff and were lucky enough to see the Brown


Times Two

I’m attempting something different with my latest work in progress, two writing methods I’ve not tried before.  My first two books were written in first person narrative.   The first book from the perspective of an eleven year old girl, and the second, from the perspective


Hell Raisers

Those pesky characters.  They’re  like a bunch of rowdy, hell raising kids, doing what they want, when they want. Or at least it seems that way to me.  I try to corral them up, and make them sit and behave, but just when I turn
