
While working in a corporate environment, I believe I fit quite nicely into a niche of professionals who had a passion to succeed, a plethora of talented individuals who taught me a lot.  In turn, I tried to give something back.  I worked hard, fully

The little girl and her mother wore identical dresses on the first and only Sunday they went to that church, as her mother called it afterwards.  Her mother had located a McCall’s pattern the week before, and she worked day and night to produce two

Did you know doodling actually helps you think?  Neither did I…, but recently I watched a segment on a news channel about how it helps you stay engaged in the moment – like if you’re in a meeting or on a conference call.  I used

I’ve been inventorying the writer toolbox over the past few days, ever on the hunt for new, inspiring ideas and you can probably guess the reason why. For instance, on my night stand are a stack of books, and this past weekend, I spent time

The manuscript is moving along like a Clydesdale, a big sort of lumbering thing, while I want slick and fast, leopard or cougar like.  It’s the plot that’s to blame.  I’ve got so much sh– to keep up with, and it’s spread out all over. 

Did you know that the path to publication is skewed  and that if you want absolute clarity on how it worked out for other writers, the answer would be as different as each person you asked? It’s true.  Oh, we love, love, love to read


This Book!

I had no idea what trouble I’d be getting into upon the arrival of this.  What could it be? We’re about to find out… A book! I was sooooo excited!  Can you tell?? Because…it wasn’t just any old book… it was this book! But…little did

It’s the dawn of a brand new year.  Fresh, open, a blank page with no history to speak of except the echo of horns, whistles, the flickering points of sparklers, the boom of fireworks and the sounds of people celebrating.  A new year is like

My husband is a wonderful gift giver. For example, I stuffed his stocking with pistachios, wader socks, Maker’s Mark whiskey, a fly fishing tool, (that looked strangely like some sort of needle threading device) and the new Alan Jackson bluegrass CD.  Those aren’t bad gifts,


Christmas Eve

I just listened to one of my many favorite Christmas songs … it’s a quiet morning, and I’m sitting here with a cup of hot coffee and thinking of all of you.   Merry Christmas.
