
Officially, I am back to working on the book – since yesterday.  What I’ve learned during this hiatus is…, the longer you go without writing, the easier it gets to not write.  Scary easy.  The “World Of Solitaire, Klondike Turn Three” easy.  Yeah, I got


We Were There

It seems very strange to watch the events unfold in the world.  To take in, yet another country seeming to come undone, like a hanging string on a piece of clothing, pulled by accident until the garment reveals a gaping hole.  Moment by moment, there

It starts off gradual, the shifting of sunlight throughout the house, until one day you realize you have to drop the blinds to avoid the beautiful, but somewhat annoying beam that’s decided to shine directly in your face from a spot where it didn’t exist

Heaven help me, but I seem to have developed a very ridiculously annoying eye twitch.  It’s the lower lid of my right eye and every time it starts up I feel as if the entire world can see it.  I’m whining about it because it’s

Writers read – a lot.  For many reasons.  Out of all of the things we do, other than writing, it is, in my opinion, the other most important part of our work.  We should read.  It’s been suggested, by many successful writers, reading is critical


Deep South

Last Friday, July 25th, we set out just before 5:00 a.m., heading to Mississippi.  I couldn’t wait to get there.  My current work in progress is set in Lafayette County, MS and I wanted to reacquaint myself to this state in whatever way I could. 


Let It Simmer

Leaving a manuscript alone for any length of time is good.  Hours, days, weeks, even months, can be helpful.  Stephen King says to put your work away for several months, which, at least for me, seems almost unimaginable.  At this point however, I’m letting the

This past Tuesday I went to visit my parents who live about an hour away.  Dad’s 80 and Mom’s going to be 78 this August.  Now that I’ve managed to slog my way through to THE END of my latest project, I felt I could

Well folks, I’ll state the obvious; it’s summer.  Hot.  Humid.  Sticky.  Muggy.  My favorite time of year.  And, we are in a battle with the squirrels.  For our tomatoes.  This is where I have a love/hate relationship with the, as some call them, “tree rats.”

Ever hear someone use a word that sounded so out of character, their entire persona changed right before your eyes? For example, what if a priest were sitting beside you in a deli, and you overheard him say, “Jesus, look at these prices!” Maybe he
