Dirty Deeds


Scary Stuff

Last year on Halloween, I received the second round of feedback from the editor on my current project, A BLACK WATER SEASON.  She’d read the first 100 pages back in the spring, and, in a nutshell, hated them.  So, I had to start the story

Two weeks ago, I opened my kimono – so to speak.  After receiving Author Of The Month, from Book-Hive in late September, I thought, what a perfect way to just let go, to stop hiding what I’ve been doing for several years, and share.  What


What The…

…hell? Obviously I’ve changed my theme and with this post on my newly designed site, I thought I’d share the reason why. Like many writers, I spend about as much time reading about writing as…, well, as writing.  More than once, I’ve come across advice
