Damn Right!



I got a new camera for Christmas.  My husband can’t stand to see me struggle over anything, and although I never complain, there must be a look.  A frustrated glaring at whatever device I’m mangling into some modicum of acceptable performance. For instance, he gave

Fyi, y’all. My website is undergoing an overhaul – this time not by me, but by professionals. Amen to that! As much as I like plunking around and figuring out themes for a new look on occasion, the end result never quite meets my expectations



Amazon (!!!) has selected The Education of Dixie Dupree as their “Debut Spotlight” book along with being on their list of TOP 10 Picks for November!   Save

Can you believe it? It’s THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE Release Day! I sincerely appreciate your support, thoughtful comments and shared excitement throughout the last 19 months.  Thank you from me, and from Dixie. This is a collage of moments, pictures to capture my journey

Folks, I’ve made it. I have arrived.  🙂 Well, that’s more or less what one of my writer friends (Micki, I’m looking at you) tweeted out; “You know you’ve made it when @Janet_Reid offers a contest in your honor!” And yes, indeed Ms. Janet, NYC

I’m providing my first newspaper interview since many of you who follow the blog aren’t connected with me on Facebook, or on Twitter where it was shared.  I thought you’d like to read it. Enjoy! clip-Daily Record-FeatureAug2016-DIXIE DUPREE

As I get closer to the publication date of my debut novel, I’ve been thinking of different ways to entice readers, to build a little suspense, and most importantly, share a tiny bit of the story within that beautiful, most awesome cover created by the

Susan Wiggs’ blurb about THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE begins with this, “Open your heart to Dixie Dupree.” I love the quote in it’s entirety, but this little snippet truly captures how I personally feel when I think of my book in a future reader’s

For the next few months, there will be opportunities to win an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE! The next is my first Goodreads giveaway set up by Digital Sales and Marketing at Kensington.  This contest will run from May 11th
