Crazy and Insane

I’m not a slow reader, but when I saw my Goodreads stats for 2015, I stared at it for a second and thought, that’s it?  Twelve books?  I hastily skimmed over my “To Read” list just to make sure I’d not forgotten to categorize one

An update. Remember this post? It got worse before it got better.  Obviously we’d been hearing “noises” for a while.  After the last rant about this issue, we went right out and bought one of those Hav-A-Hart traps – only, we didn’t use it right

2015 is about done.  What better time than now, on this last day of a year filled with ups and downs, to take a look back at all that happened.  And what better way than to just grab the photos. Work in progress at the

Much like the previous post about White Trash, what’s Christmas without the song which actually is supposed to be the epitome of that?  A tune about dysfunctional families, and what many would say is a typical Christmas day spent carving turkey, watching ballgames, mixing up



Early to bed, early to rise, that’s how I operate best.  If I lose any sleep, even a couple hours, I can feel it.  I spend the day yawning, out of sorts, and though I might get everything done I’d planned on, my typical energy


INKED! Update

UPDATE:  Building on this original post, I’ve just completed an interview with BookHive’s Queen Bee, Jennifer Bowen.  The interview sheds a little bit of light on how the book deal came about, which some of you expressed an interest in. *************************************************************** I’m so very

In this final post, following my little monkey’s theme of “Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil,”  (hey it was a Murder Convention…get it???)  I’ll share some of the pictures I took for the “SEEN AT BOUCHERCON.”  I didn’t take a ton because

As I mentioned in the last post, I’m writing about Bouchercon 2015 in three seperate posts.  These comments come mostly from authors or agents. WHAT WAS SAID: Question from audience:  “In your opinion, what’s the biggest mistake beginning writers make?”  “Too many doorknobs turning, too

I’m so proud of my hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina for hosting Bouchercon 2015.  I love our beautiful little city which has become an eclectic and lively center for night life, arts, foodie type restaurants, all with a bright array of craft beers, for which



Every day my inbox fills with information I’ve requested.  Writing blogs I’ve subscribed to, online writing or publishing magazines, and a variety of other writing how to material.  I’ll stare at some of it for days, all good intentions of reading the material, only to
