
Back in late September I shared some good news and a bit of information about BookHive, an online service for authors which allows them to test their manuscript across a broad demographic of “Test Readers.”  The experience was so worthwhile, I thought it would be

This past Saturday I attended my book club’s Christmas Luncheon.  Earlier during the week, the vice president of the club came up with an idea for the program I thought creative and fun.  The idea was for each of us to provide something from our

I’m the sort of person who knows a little bit about a lot of things – except when it comes to authors. Especially the author who suddenly appears, like fog, (hey!  that wasn’t there five minutes ago!) and they are quite successful to boot.  Actually,

For my entire life, reading has been a constant.  Throughout school years, various jobs, one marriage and into the current, having kids, whatever, books have always been part of who I am.  One can always be found somewhere nearby, whether on my nightstand, counter top,

I’ve talked about this before.  Those addicting flash fiction contests run by Janet Reid, literary agent extraordinaire.  How hard is it to tell a story in one hundred words?  Doggone hard.  The last one, a couple weekends ago, was in honor of one of her

Two weeks ago, I opened my kimono – so to speak.  After receiving Author Of The Month, from Book-Hive in late September, I thought, what a perfect way to just let go, to stop hiding what I’ve been doing for several years, and share.  What

Several weeks ago I took hold of a unique opportunity – even though it made me as nervous as I’ve ever been. I allowed Book-Hive’s Focus Group Reader Service to take my latest WIP and test it.  Big GULP. Below is a snippet where the

There’s always a discussion percolating somewhere amongst writers about what it takes to keep on keeping on, particularly for those who’ve been writing for years, have faced more rejections than they care to count, and haven’t seen any money.  There’s the reality of bills, a

I’ve always paid attention to my environment, much more than people, which has at times made me seem disconnected I think.  When I was a kid, I preferred to spend time outside, flat on my back, staring up at the sky.  Sometimes I would lie

When I started writing my latest book, my characters were murky – as they typically are.  I had no clue what they looked like, what they were interested in, what made them tick, because they didn’t exist in my mind – yet. Many writers will
