
Mississippi smells and sounds like my childhood. I wish I could use some sort of media tool to share what I mean, only I think you already know.  There are scents I encounter that resonate with some long ago memory, and when I smell them,



Low key, easy going, never cussed, rarely drank, steadfast, resilient, calm, even tempered, loving, compassionate, loyal, understanding, mechanically inclined, hard working, quiet, dog lover, reclusive, missed. May 24th, 1934 – March 3, 2015

I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m addicted to Janet Reid’s flash fiction contests.  They’re fun.  They’re great practice for learning how to use words sparingly while building a story, which must include a beginning, middle, end.  They give you a sense of accomplishment – yay


New Toys

A while back I wrote a post called “I LOVE MY LAPTOP.”  And I do.  Or, make that did.  Much like that car insurance commercial where the young girl talks about her car which she fondly calls Brad.  “I love Brad,” she claims.  Two boyfriends,


What I Said

My father passed away March 3rd.  I spoke at his funeral Monday.  This is what I said. This is the sort of life changing event that knocks the breath right out of you, doesn’t it? We hear about an illness and never seem to comprehend

Blank.  Vacant.  Meaningless. Those three words describe the current situation with my latest WIP.  This will be the fourth book I’ve written – if I ever get it done.  I felt like this with the last one too, and I did finish it, so yay,

Recently I finished a book by Tim Johnston called DESCENT.  I loved the book, but the reason I wanted to blog about it is related to the way he wrote it versus an actual review of the story. I’ve heard over and over, from reading

I really envy some writers.  Not for their talent with words.  Not for their knack at coming up with great, fresh ideas for a story.  Not for their ability to make me laugh, cry or think about something in a way I’ve never done before. 

Special Note:  When I first wrote my review of WHY LA? POURQUOI PARIS?, the terrifying events had yet to unfold in Paris and existed only in the minds of the terrorists.  And then, within twenty four hours of sharing my feedback with the author and

The holiday frenzy is in full force.  Everyone’s in crunch time mode and operating with the laser like focus of this hawk below. Christmas Eve is less than three days away.  Despite the frenetic mannerisms of everyone around, and the possibility, at this late a
