Amazon (!!!) has selected The Education of Dixie Dupree as their “Debut Spotlight” book along with being on their list of TOP 10 Picks for November!


the education of dixie dupree



  • Sherry Howard

    November 1, 2016

    Wonderful, awesome news!

  • Carolynnwith2Ns

    November 1, 2016

    Let us know when you sign the movie deal.

  • lilacshoshanwp

    November 1, 2016

    Incredible news, Donna! You always make me so happy. And Carolynn is right: you are a STAR!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    • donnaeve

      November 1, 2016

      I’m glad she “gets” my sense of humor. I hope.
      Your “visits” and kind words always make me happy too! Thank you, Lilac! <3 <3 <3

  • Susan Peterson

    November 1, 2016

    So happy and excited for you!! Congratulations!

  • Congrats!

  • Averil Dean

    November 1, 2016

    OMG, soooo happy for you!! Congratulations!!!

  • harryipants

    November 2, 2016

    Go Donna!
    I’ve been having a break from the internet, but been cheering you every step of the way from the sidelines over here. Such wonderful news — enjoy!
    PS: Now finish that celebratory drink and get back to work, you have other books to write!

    • donnaeve

      November 2, 2016

      Thanks, Mr. ipants! 🙂
      I had wine at the launch event last night, and folks didn’t drink as much as I thought they would – so I have PLENTY. And I do need to get back to work…on that darn outline.

  • Craig

    November 2, 2016

    Is this vindication? If memory serves Dixie was on submission for some three years. That must make this all the sweeter. I salute you because I am getting tired of congratulating you. All the best.

    • donnaeve

      November 3, 2016

      Actually, the book went on sub in 2012 and was sent out to 23 editors who rejected it, and then it wasn’t submitted anymore. The term my agent used for the status was “inactive,” meaning it could go on sub again, if the right editor came along. I liked the way he did this – because it meant if he had lunch one day with the “right” editor, he could submit it to him. So…when BLACK WATER was on sub, and got rejected, as you know, that editor asked to see something else, and the rest, as they say, is history. 🙂

      I feel sure everyone is sick of me and my news by now. LOL! But I actually have more to share, and it will be the blog post for tomorrow. So, get that salute ready. 🙂

  • Christy

    November 2, 2016

    What an honor Donna!!! Congrats and all my best!!!

  • I’m currently reading this book and I LOVE it. Would add more here but I have to get back to seeing how Dixie is fairing!

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