Did anyone see the moon Christmas night?  Or the night after?  They (scientists, reporters, etc.) talked about the Super Moon earlier this year, and after the spectacular show I witnessed on the 25th and 26th I wondered if they’d missed these recent dates.  They did

Much like the previous post about White Trash, what’s Christmas without the song which actually is supposed to be the epitome of that?  A tune about dysfunctional families, and what many would say is a typical Christmas day spent carving turkey, watching ballgames, mixing up

On another blog a writer friend said she wished she could send all of us a big bag of Texas Trash – which made me realize it was time for me to share my own version – White Trash.  Don’t I share this every year? 

A  pause from my regularly scheduled “programming” to introduce a new author to you! Let me start this with a little bit of background.  When my first novel sold, I joined the Kensington Author’s portal, a secure site where authors under Kensington can “meet” each

A lot has been happening here at the homestead.  I’ll call it post Thanksgiving madness with shopping (online and in stores) wrapping flurries, cleaning up flurries, with occasional writing flurries (current WIP @ 37K), all topped off with holiday parties to attend. This weekend I’ll

I think I’m ready. Had to make adjustments to the table to include two extra, but despite those funny looking chairs, I think it’ll do! We’re having turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, dressing (cause if your from the South, it’s dressing, not stuffing) gravy, sweet potato



Early to bed, early to rise, that’s how I operate best.  If I lose any sleep, even a couple hours, I can feel it.  I spend the day yawning, out of sorts, and though I might get everything done I’d planned on, my typical energy

After making the announcement last month about what I shall forever recollect as The Lovely Book Deal, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about online presence, social media, and what I can do to tie it all together so everything has a cohesive look. 

UPDATE:  Building on this original post, I’ve just completed an interview with BookHive’s Queen Bee, Jennifer Bowen.  The interview sheds a little bit of light on how the book deal came about, which some of you expressed an interest in. INTERVIEW is HERE *************************************************************** I’m


INKED! Update

UPDATE:  Building on this original post, I’ve just completed an interview with BookHive’s Queen Bee, Jennifer Bowen.  The interview sheds a little bit of light on how the book deal came about, which some of you expressed an interest in. https://www.bookhivecorp.com/index.php/blog/entry/bookhive-author-donna-everhart-to-be-published-by *************************************************************** I’m so very
