This is the week I’m all caught up!  From here on out it’s one sentence through Chapter 28, which will post on Friday, October 28th right before the official launch on Tuesday, November 1st. The good news?  By then some of you will actually have

Kensington has set up another Goodreads giveaway for THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE. The contest will run June 8th –>June 27th to win one copy of an ARC or final copy! If you’re not on Goodreads, now’s the time to join (free) because not only

I thought I couldn’t love my cover any more, and then?  Kensington’s Art Department did a little fine tuning and this is what we now have! There are reasons behind every decision made by my publisher.  I know why they did this little tweak, but

Still in catch up mode!  This week I’m sharing the first sentences in Chapters 5, 6, and 7. CHAPTER FIVE In the early spring of 1969, when the yellow dust of pollen was heavy in the air, I noticed Mama’s discontent had wrapped even further

I’ve got 28 chapters, and, (correction from yesterday) only 23 Friday’s before my “official” launch date of November 1st.  In order to sync up time wise, I’m going to share first sentences in this post for Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4.  Next Friday, I’ll

As I get closer to the publication date of my debut novel, I’ve been thinking of different ways to entice readers, to build a little suspense, and most importantly, share a tiny bit of the story within that beautiful, most awesome cover created by the

This wasn’t an easy post to write.  I’ve sat on it for days, thinking about it, and wondering if I should write about this topic at all.  It’s likely (probably) premature for me to even think the way I am, but I’ve said before and

Susan Wiggs’ blurb about THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE begins with this, “Open your heart to Dixie Dupree.” I love the quote in it’s entirety, but this little snippet truly captures how I personally feel when I think of my book in a future reader’s

For the next few months, there will be opportunities to win an Advance Reader Copy (ARC) of THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE! The next is my first Goodreads giveaway set up by Digital Sales and Marketing at Kensington.  This contest will run from May 11th

…how you can help out authors?  It’s not just buying the book, which is certainly a big deal in of itself.  There are a couple (well okay, five here) more steps that can take the simple, yet powerful act of buying a book go that
