Have you noticed the comments in the news lately about “the 99% and the 1%.”  That particular percentage is related to taxpayers, but, did you know there is a similar statistic in publishing?  It was a bit disconcerting (to say the least) when I read

Writers are impatient.  Well this one is, but as I just told a commenter on my blog who is setting out to write her first book, patience is required and I had to learn to “cool my jets” during most of the process. You know

I’ve often wondered when I finally got the chance to write this particular post, what I would say and how I would say it…, would I do what I’m doing right now,  playing around with words…, while knowing what I know…, yet keeping my news

It was inevitable.  The first rejection.  Before it happened I thought, maybe I’ll celebrate it.  HA!  It has bothered me worse than I thought it would.  It was a good rejection – and I suppose that’s some consolation.  The agent sent this to my editor:

Since I embarked on the novel idea of writing a novel (yes, there’s a smile in that obvious pun), I have learned the people you encounter day to day who are striving to do the same,  are still willing to stop, and go the extra

I’ve only been posting about once a month, but I felt compelled to do one today based on some recent activity on my desktop here. A couple of months ago I activated a Twitter account and at the same time requested membership to three different

My BLOG is WAY over due – but suffice it to say – I was busy with revisions on the book.  :>) And speaking of the revision process – it can be lonely.  There are  days when I want to share a tidbit of the latest with someone,

In my last post, I talked about the fact that aspiring writers are told “you have to write one million bad words before you can write one good one.”  I just hope the value of words doesn’t change like the dollar, because that could easily

I’m no expert but I’ve read, heard, and now I’ve seen for myself that every writer experiences the horrible, dreaded – dare I say it – writer’s block.  I think of it much like “hitting the wall” when running a marathon.  You get to mile
