It was a chance meeting.  Like he found me, or I found him.  Either way, meet “Mister.”  He is from a foster home.  He’s been bounced around…., and…,well, we just had to give him what he so badly needed.  Like many of you have said,

Sidebar from the usual post about writing…it’s Christmas!  We have to share about decorating – don’t we? It takes me 3 days to get done – and the lights are always a challenge.  I lose my religion over lights.  Bad words come out of my

When the story broke about David Petraeus cheating with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, the news coverage was relentless.  After a week of it, I doubted seriously there would be anything of interest that I cared about or needed to know.  That is, until one blurb on


I Love London

Ever since we visited London five years ago, we’ve always wanted to go back.  There was something about that great city, whether it was the ancient architecture or seeing firsthand the places we’d seen on TV (Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, River Thames, London Eye, etc

Little did I know when I spoke of my favorite authors as writing in a “gritty” way, that a term was already in place for their talents.  It’s known as “grit lit.”  If you Google it, you’ll find several links explaining who wrote it best,



I wrote my second book set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.   We always go through the mountains on our way to Mississippi and on a recent trip, I spotted a low cloud amongst the hills.  We stopped just so I could snap



The other day I was in the shower and squirted a gob of conditioner in my hand – then proceeded to wash under my arms.   I had been thinking about what I was going to write, what I would focus on, and, obviously I wasn’t


Lucy Grealy

I get a lot of ideas for what books to read in a number of ways.  One is following the blog of agent, Betsy Lerner.  The suggestions come along by chance, either through a particular post or in the comments area.  For instance, Ms. Lerner


Harvest Time

I’m currently in Mississippi, towards the north end of the state, about forty-five minutes from Memphis and Oxford, and Tupelo is about an hour away.  It’s a state rich with all of those southern “flavors” I love to incorporate into the stories I write. First


A Full Deck

Currently, I’m back to adding in new material to the second book, based on feedback from my agent.  When I submitted the story to him, it was approximately 75,000 words – or 313 pages long.  He loved it, but said towards the end, right after
