
Wide Awake

There are a lot of reasons I’ve not been getting much sleep lately.  For one, I’m wearing a medieval sort of contraption on my left leg, known as a night splint.  It pulls my foot up slightly and is intended to treat that ongoing, pesky

When you begin your writing project, have you ever waffled between which point of view (POV) you should use with your story? As I began writing book one, I never questioned which POV I wanted to take.  I wrote in the first person because I


Tighten Up!

There you are, plugging along, writing your first draft, and perhaps you’re already thinking about the work involved when you will need to go back and do revisions.   But…, did you know there’s a quick and easy way to make your writing better?  And it’s

I’m sitting here, at my desk, where I’ve been for the past five hours.  What have I done?  Let’s see. I checked out all my fave writing blogs I read the newspaper I surfed Facebook, “Liked” things, and what not I (finally) stared at my

I’ve started reading BIRD BY BIRD by Anne Lamott.  I wouldn’t have known about this book if it weren’t for another blog; http://averildean.wordpress.com/2013/03/. The post was on books about writing and others commented on some of their faves. I saw this one mentioned, and I’m

For the past month or so, I’ve been redirected (read: urged)  towards something new in my writing.  As I’ve worked on books in the past,  an idea will come to mind on what story I want to write next, and without much of a break,

How many more books, do you reckon, will be compared to TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD?  I can only surmise it will continue to happen until someone writes the story everyone thinks is better.  A book that is of the quality of MOCKINGBIRD, a book that


Rainy Days…

Rainy days can be some of my favorite days.  Today, although it’s post winter, is still a winter feeling kind of day.  The kind where you don’t feel guilty sitting inside because it’s gray with drizzle, and only in the mid 40’s.  Everything is damp,

When did you change your mind?  When did you know that somehow, you no longer felt the same way about, dare we say…, your favorite all time author? Did this knowledge creep up on you unexpectedly, or was it a revelation of sorts that smacked
