It’s about to get ugly. I’m writing this latest draft and the good news is, I feel like I’ve nailed my antagonist.   I’ve set him up to be a true villain, a sociopath with tidbits of dark history scattered about in his chapter, information I

It’s the same thing day in and day out.  I really don’t mind, not one bit.  Matter of fact, if something happens, I get antsy, become a clock watcher, wondering when I can retreat back to my hidey hole, yet not look like a clod.

I thought I would share what was put out on Shelf Awareness Pro this morning.  Shelf Awareness comes to me via email, so I don’t have a link, but here is text (copy/pasted) about the “leak” of J.K. Rowling’s pseudonym: London law firm Russells Solicitors

Recently, a debut novel called THE CUCKOO’S CALLING by Robert Galbraith created nothing but praise in the book world, not much in the way of sales, and then shock and a bit of that good old egg on the face type of embarrassment. The book

Just when you thought you’d learned as much as you possibly could about writing, another term comes along, and if you are like me, it’s new, but not new in general.  In the most recent issue of Writer’s Digest, an article was written called, “What

The very best Memorial Day or July 4th fireworks shows I’ve EVER seen were while on a boat, in the middle of a lake.  Back when my best friend and her husband were still together, and when he was alive, they had a beautiful home

A few weeks ago, another writer, soon to be author, (yay Averil!!)  wrote a post titled “GOTHAM.”  In this piece, Averil talked about her “masked man” coming in to help with her writing, like a caped crusader zooming in and saving her in her

A little over a week ago I received some news that came just when my house was about to be overtaken by family for Father’s Day.  And the news wasn’t good.  In previous posts, I’ve mentioned a few times, and hopefully not so much that

The news of James Gandolfini’s unexpected passing yesterday in Rome, Italy brought me to tears.  I’ll admit it, I’m not embarrassed, I believe I loved that man, the characters he’s played, but my favorite, my absolute tabloid like crush (like with most everyone else) was

As we know, back in the earlier days of writing and publishing, things were quite different.  It wasn’t all that long ago one still sent in a manuscript by snail mail, and then waited for weeks (months?) on end to get a reply, but I
