Quirky is the word that comes to mind when I think about my thought process for “certain things.”  Okay, weird works too.  Oh, just call me anal.  Here’s a good example of what I mean; I refuse to wear a race t-shirt if I didn’t

There is a commercial on TV about insurance or maybe it’s about investing…, either way, there’s a man explaining a study that was done about how long people are living now.  They set up a large canvas sort of prop in a grassy field, and



In my recent post, Early Christmas Present, I talked about getting a snippet of feedback from a new associate who was reading my pages along with my agent.  He was still reading so didn’t have any comments yet.  Yesterday I emailed him to find out

It started before Thanksgiving – three days before, approximately.  As I looked at my calendar pre-Thanksgiving day, I realized the two weeks following would be about as crazy as crazy can get.  And it was all going to happen even though I was still trying

The fourth season of Boardwalk Empire wrapped up a few weeks ago.  And then I did an ecstatic sort of jerky happy dance  when I learned they were signed for a fifth season because I am so, and I mean SO very addicted to that

It is Thanksgiving and after a productive week, I’ve set the writing aside. Now, I’m in the kitchen because tomorrow we will host our families for the traditional dinner.  We recognize with gratefulness, the fact we still have our parents, our brothers and sisters, nephews,



Some of you may remember my post a few weeks ago titled “Blue Ridge.”  In the comments area of that post, the BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY DAILY (BRPD),  http://www.blueridgeparkwaydaily.com/ ,a new online website that provides information on Blue Ridge Parkway events, news, photography, maps and other

Yesterday, the day before, the day before that, and days upon days before those have resulted in a grand total of – not much.  Not much when it came to working on the latest project.  Not much when it came to adding new words, plot


Pecking Order

At the top of a loblolly pine sat a large, black crow and a hawk, likely a Cooper’s Hawk since they are common and in most of the U.S. year round.  The interaction between the two looked interesting, so I stopped running, pressed “stop” on

“It’s not the dying part.  It’s all the stuff before that, and what will happen to my body.” ~ David~ Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.  A progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Onset is insidious 100% fatal Usually
