Every time someone asks me to describe my current WIP, the first thing I say is, “it’s not a nice story.”  What I mean by that is, if it’s published, I don’t think I’ll be invited to speak at book clubs. So what makes it

For Christmas, my husband gave me a camera .  It’s not an expensive one, but I love it.  I guess he got tired of hearing me (and everyone else) complain about the other camera I was using, and how long it took to take a

The suggestion from my agent went something like this; “If you could write a story, a literary suspense story using that concept, well, then you might have something.”  It’s hard to believe that conversation with him took place a year ago.  I only remember it

Recently I saw a license plate with one of those made up words we could do without .  I actually skulked behind this car, going out of my way to see who in their right mind would put it on their plate.  Unfortunately, I was

There’s nothing better than to read an article, blog post, or hear in an interview where a best selling author explains they continue to go through the very same things as writers who have never been published before.  Things like how each and every new

The goal is closer.   I am over 71,000 words with the latest work in progress.  The book needs to come in around 90,000, give or take a couple thousand words.  This is generally speaking.  We know there are rule breakers out there, but like this

Most of the time, there’s nothing we like better than sitting down to our laptops/desktops to see what’s been dropped into our inbox overnight.  We open email and see messages from friends, family, we get notifications from companies that our packages are on the way,

It doesn’t take much when it comes to writing to set my nerves on fire with worry.  If I allow myself to get really worked up, you can envision how this might look.  All you have to do is picture the young girl in the

We are as prepared as we can be for the “crippling, catastrophic” winter storm that started yesterday for some of us in NC.  We are under a winter storm warning until tomorrow, 6:00 p.m. and so far, we have about five inches of snow, which

Before I started writing as consistently as I’ve been doing the past three years or so, I would read for pleasure only.  I chose books I would enjoy and rarely ventured outside of the two genre’s that resonated with my taste, generally commercial or literary
