
Magic Trick

92,000 words.  Still, I’ve not typed THE END – just yet. I re-read an older post from about 2 1/2 months ago where I had 71,000 words.  Because my nature is to analyze (driving my husband crazy) I calculated this is only 280 words a day

The average human has approximately 30,000 thoughts a day.  A lot of clutter.  Like food processing, where produce is assorted on a mass conveyor belt, the good pieces are kept, while the damaged, useless, or non-standard pieces get shoved off into a disposal bin.  Similarly,

We are as individual about our reading choices as anything else.  As unique within our talent for writing as the strands of DNA that make up who each of us are.   What makes a story good?  What makes writing good?  Geez, I don’t know.  It’s


Cha Ching???

Recently, a post about money earned in relation to having a book published brought to light some facts about advances and payments.  Let’s start off with my own ignorance.  Sure, why not?  I don’t  mind sharing what I, in my naivete believed was the way

About five years ago, I used to complete a ten mile run every Saturday morning.  It was on one of those runs, for a variety of reasons, I ended up with double sfx.  It took close to three years before I felt I could run

Paying attention to what goes on around us is a favorite past time of writers.  We tend to stare.  We might look as if we’re eavesdropping (likely).  We will carefully work our way towards something that looks out of place when others might head in

Research can be fun, or it can make you feel squeamish. For instance, there are a bazillion little things a writer might need to look up.  Like finding out if Saran Wrap was used in the 50’s, or, if your character’s taxes go unpaid, how

Once again, I’ve come up with another writing analogy.  Ready?  Writing is like playing football –  it has lots of rules.  Sometimes I’m astounded how I’m just flipping about the internet, bouncing from one site to the next, happily reading, and fwop!  Some writing rule

This is a post I ought to do after I type THE END to the current work in progress.  But, sometimes…more than I want to admit, I get an idea and if I don’t bother to make a note of it, voila!  By the time

I put a version of this out on Goodreads and thought I’d share it here: I bought this book with high expectations. After becoming hooked on Nic Pizzolatto’s writing style through the HBO series, TRUE DETECTIVE, (TD) it was because of a review of the
