When we set goals for ourselves, there is nothing better than achieving them.  A few years back, I set one for running a marathon.  I trained for it for about nine months, a race held in Bluffington S. C.  It started at 7:00 a.m.  Even


Coffee Break

Janet Reid had a flash fiction contest this past weekend and despite my “head down, working towards THE END,” mantra on my latest WIP, I took a little coffee break and participated.  You know, I really love these contests – I think I might be


World Of Spam

Having a blog inevitably means having to clean out spam.  Just this morning I spent about fifteen minutes deleting crazy comments.  I hadn’t done it in a while so I had well over 100.  Some made me laugh and I thought I’d share a few

Many writers who are ready to approach an agent, do so with either a sense of awe, fear, and an “I’m not worthy,” sort of mentality.  For the past few years, I’ve been reading Janet Reid’s blog.  If you haven’t been following her, you should. 


Corn Maze

Something’s got to give, or this is going to be one long, hot summer.  I said this last year when my editor rejected my first 100 pages. I don’t mind hot, or the fact that it’s summer, but I sure would like to spend it

Copyright Bob Richman, 2010, Harpo   If you read no other book by her, read I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS, but seriously, read all you can… such a talent.  Sad she’s gone.

No frills, no fancy schmancy this or that.  I’m all about the basics, and I’m minimalist, even at that. I like plain food, think Corn Flakes kind of plain.  Or, Rice Krispies.  Rice Chex.  Maybe, maybe Fruity Cheerios.  I like simple home-cooked meals, and simple

Ta da!  *applause* Thank you Jennine at My Life In Books blog for nominating me for this award…it’s very much appreciated! Here is how the nomination works.  The Liebster Award requires that I have to provide 11 random facts about myself, answer Jennine’s 11 questions
