The Road To Bittersweet

I wanted to wait for things to settle down (ha!) a little bit before I shared this with y’all.  Unbeknownst to many, except family…oh, okay, maybe I let this slip out to a few close friends, here’s some news about what else I’ve been up to.

This is the Publisher’s Marketplace announcement which came out Wednesday:

THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE author, and Indie Next and Amazon Top 10 Best Book of the Month pick, Donna Everhart’s THE ROAD TO BITTERSWEET, a coming of age story set in 1940 in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina that tells the story of a family and two unique sisters who share an exceptional bond until the events following a flood force them all into unimaginable circumstances for survival, and where the younger sister learns to face and accept her sister’s differences, to John Scognamiglio at Kensington, by John Talbot at Talbot Fortune Agency (World).

Coming, January 2018.



  • Susan Peterson

    November 4, 2016

    Congratulations!! The new book sounds amazing!!

    • donnaeve

      November 5, 2016

      Thank you, Susan! I was gone all day yesterday, so just now catching up!

  • Carolynnwith2Ns

    November 4, 2016

    You are just amazing !

    • donnaeve

      November 5, 2016

      Thank you, 2N’s…the only thing amazing at the moment is the cup of coffee before me. 🙂

  • hpettersonlit

    November 4, 2016

    Outstanding, way to go!

  • E.M. Goldsmith

    November 4, 2016

    Whoa! Amazing news Getting published is one thing. Staying published is monumental. I absolutely loved The Education of Dixie Dupree. Blockbuster amazing. Can’t wait to read the next.

    • donnaeve

      November 5, 2016

      I sooo wanted to respond to your comment the other day at The Reef…(about next book for debut authors, etc.) but I was waiting for this PM thingie, and figured, well, I’ll just do a blog post. 🙂 I’m thrilled about your take on DIXIE, btw. Your comments made my heart go kerthump!

  • Diane

    November 4, 2016


    *Proffers sweet tea – or bourbon, as you prefer*

  • lilacshoshanwp

    November 4, 2016

    YAY! More outstanding news, Donna! You absolutely amaze me, my brilliant friend. I am so delighted for you… <3 <3 < 3

  • Craig

    November 5, 2016

    Well, damn. And I thought your editor had talked you into a book every two years.
    Seriously, hot damn. Amazing.
    The blurb looks like the book would translate nicely into a movie along the lines of WINTER’S BONE. Maybe it will illuminate someone like BONE did for Jennifer Lawrence.

    • donnaeve

      November 5, 2016

      Thank you, Craig! I wrote that blurb, and thought they might change it, but no, it stuck! I’m getting better at it…I loved WINTER’S BONE – it was a rough read, but very good. I’m supposed to do something like a book a year. 🙂

  • Dena Pawling

    November 5, 2016

    I was just notified that my library bought The Education of Dixie Dupree at my request. Right now it’s the book only, so I’ll wait a few weeks to see if they also buy the audio, because I’d prefer audio. But I’m excited!

    And congrats on book 2!

    • donnaeve

      November 5, 2016

      Hey Dena! Thank you for requesting it! I’ve seen where several libraries indicated they’ve ordered it. (me and Google doing our thing to stalk DIXIE – ha!) I hope the audio is good. The narrator is a member of SAG-AFTRA, so, I’m anxious to “hear” it. It’s going to be WEIRD.

      And thank you on book 2!

  • OMG! Stay away for a couple days with the beginning of NANO and this place catches fire! Top 10! Book Two! You gotta be on Cloud 10!

    What are you gonna do Sunday when you have 25 hours in a day, announce a movie deal and write the script?!

    Wow, wow and wow!!! Awesome stuff, Donna. So happy for ya.

    • donnaeve

      November 6, 2016

      If this place is on fire, kindly call 911, would you? LOL!

      You didn’t know about the Amazon Top Ten Pick for November? It’s in their Feature Debut Spotlight. Go here: and you’ll see it. I did a blog post on it, but you probably missed it b/c it was announced on 11/1, and that’s first day of NaNoWriMo.

      Thank you, John! I hope NaNo is going well. I see you’re keeping your usual hours. 🙂

  • So this is what everyone was hinting at. That’s so cool.

  • Colin

    November 8, 2016

    I’m a little late to the party, but congratulations, Donna!! If BITTERSWEET is as good as DIXIE, you’ll be set. 😉

    • donnaeve

      November 8, 2016

      Thanks, Colin! Very different…but agent and editor seemed to really like it! 😉

  • Lennon Faris

    November 12, 2016

    Congratulations, Donna!! Just starting Dixie now. The description of Road to Bittersweet also sounds really good 🙂 🙂

    • donnaeve

      November 13, 2016

      Thank you, Lennon! I hope you’ll let me know what you think of DIXIE. It’s hard to believe I’m wrangling with the 3rd book now. (really the fifth, but who’s counting….) 🙂

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